Automatic Vertical

Extrusion Machine

Fully automatic feeding can save labour costs

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Provide PTFE Machine and Spares

Novenco recently launched PTFE Ram Extruded Machines that have been developed with the most advanced technologies of our times. Compared to other machines, our ram extrusion techniques are efficient in managing work-hour capacity and enhancing productivity. Alongside high production value, our rods go low on maintenance.

Our PTFE Ram Extruded Rods come with a diameter range of 4 mm to 2000 mm or as per the clients specifications. The optimized design and advanced technology have extended the service life of our rods and ensured hourly productivity of 7 to 10 kg. These rods are prepared to match well with fully automated ram machine systems that project simplicity and intelligence besides saving money and time. We are aware of the fact that Ram machines of our times are precision-guided and come with temperature controls.

60,000 Sq. Ft